The Converse 社区 celebrated the 134th Opening Convocation on Friday, 9月22日, 2023, 在特威切尔礼堂. Opening Convocation is our traditional event when the Converse 社区 comes 在一起 to celebrate the formal opening of the academic year.
Clear blue skies and 70-degree temperatures set the tone for the 2023 Opening Convocation as students, faculty and alumni processed into the iconic Zimmerli Performance Center 在特威切尔礼堂.
牧师. 伊丽莎·史密斯·德贝沃斯进行了祈祷, reminding guests that we are embarking on a journey 在一起 as the new academic year begins. 她提醒客人万博地址的核心价值观之一, 社区, and how a balance of work and play nurtures the abilities of one another, 最终建立一个更美好的世界.
贾斯敏·威廉姆斯24岁(尼斯贝特荣誉), 学生会主席, 我代表全体学生欢迎来宾. 她第一次谈起她的事, 非常独特的开幕大会, 是在2020年秋天举行的.
Jasmyn spoke to the many transitions she’s seen throughout the last few years, from the official name change to 大学交流 to welcoming male undergraduate students on campus, to the increased ethnic and cultural diversity with the Converse student body. 目前,我们的学生团体来自24个州和35个国家.
“在过去三年里, 我见证了万博地址的发展, 当我们进入文艺复兴时期,贾斯敏说. “一个更新的时期, 重生, 作为一所大学重新觉醒, 从更广泛的意义上说, 作为一个社会.”
霍普金斯总统走上舞台,赢得了热烈的掌声. His introduction acknowledged Converse’s unique campus where “ideas converge, 知识共享, 联系是建立起来的.”
霍普金斯 then stunned the audience by telling them his introduction was actually composed by ChatGPT.
霍普金斯 addressed the technical precipice the world is experiencing and how this kind of power warrants significant responsibility as artificial intelligence begins to affect all areas, 从医疗保健到数据再到通信.
霍普金斯校长说, “负责任地使用这个工具需要对我们的核心价值观做出承诺, 一个开放的承诺, 诚实的对话, and a willingness to hold ourselves accountable for the impact that such advances can have, 有意或无意, 对个人和整个社会都有影响.”
万博地址已经为这次探索和发现之旅做好了准备. 教师 have met to discuss artificial intelligence and its effects on higher education in both teaching and learning. 工厂里有人工智能工作坊, 教育学生如何合乎道德地使用科技, 以及为课堂制定人工智能指导方针. Converse has recently established a new 数据科学 minor and a general education course on Data Literacy.
博士就职演讲. 杰弗里·H. 巴克学术优秀奖
在开学典礼上,霍普金斯校长颁发了就职博士. 杰弗里·H. Barker学术优秀奖. Neval Ertürk, Associate Provost for 研究 and Engagement, and Professor of Biology.
的博士. 杰弗里·H. 巴克尔卓越学术基金是为纪念巴克尔博士而设立. 巴克和他对康威斯大学学术卓越的热情. 该奖项支持万博地址的教职员工, who exemplify the teaching and learning relationship by broadening students’ horizons and by challenging themselves as educators, 尤其是通过旅行和体验式学习.
霍普金斯校长与霍普金斯博士进行了交谈. Ertürk’s passionate mentorship to both students and faculty and the impressive two million dollars in grants she has secured for faculty and undergraduate research.
Dr. ert
教务长兼学术事务副校长. Joe Wilferth welcomed the Converse 社区 and presented the Class of 2027 学术认识.
The Carol McDaniel Petrie STEM Scholarship was established by the Carrol and Milton Petrie Foundation to support scholarships for out-of-state students planning to study a STEM-related subject, 业务, 或者人文学科. 今年的获奖者是 露西测试仪.
帕迪逊艺术 & 科学奖学金, 2007年由露丝·帕迪森成立的信托基金创建, 为文理专业的学生提供奖学金. 今年的帕迪逊学者是 克里斯托弗•贝利 (尼斯贝特认为荣誉), Sianna Davidson, Shamya Hudson, Pedro Landeros-Hernandez, and Keith Rogers (尼斯贝特认为荣誉).
The Simpson Scholarships were established by an anonymous donor to support scholarships for female students whose performance in academics, 课外活动, 社区参与值得肯定. 今年的辛普森奖学金获得者是 阿什莉·奥斯汀和斯隆·金利 (尼斯贝特认为荣誉).
威西格杰出学者运动员奖, 由63年的Agnes Binder Weisiger于2008年创立, 还有她的丈夫, 韦西格爱德华, recognize exceptional athletes with a proven academic success record and exhibit strong leadership and 社区-building skills. 今年的获奖者是 麦迪逊·戴维斯和卡莉·德里斯科尔.
Dr. 乔Barrera), 数学系副教授, 以这句话开始他的主题演讲, “这对蜂巢不好, 这对蜜蜂也不好.”
Dr. Barrera承认最近失去了Dr. 心理学副教授香农·马丁(Shannon Martin),以及他的去世. 杰夫·巴克,2021年7月. Barrera reminded guests of the importance of self-care as we navigate challenging times.
他说他的主题演讲不会与数学有关,这让听众感到惊讶, 而是关于社会和教育. Yet, toward the end of his keynote, he revealed it really was about math concepts all along.
Barerra说:“所以我想知道:什么对蜂巢有好处? 有哪些事情对社区是积极的? 所以,和大多数事情一样,我让数学指导我的思维. 没错,这是一个数学讲座.”
Dr. Barerra emphasized that education is our way through and forward — it bridges gaps. Bringing the talk back around to his opening quote about the bee and the beehive, Barerra said he’s hopeful as he looks out at the current students in attendance at the 2023 Opening Convocation. “因为你在这里, doing one of the greatest goods you can do for yourself—you’re getting an education,巴雷拉说. “在教育方面, the beehive quote also means now committing yourself to a lifetime of learning and implementing those lessons throughout your life. Treat the education you receive here as an act of social responsibility as we all, 在一起, 在这个相对未知的领域找到我们的道路.”
Dr. Barerra received thunderous applause for his inspiring and heartfelt talk.
The Converse Chorale performed “Things That Never Die” (words by Charles Dickens; music by Eleanor Dailey), followed by the reaffirmation of the Converse Honor Pledge led by Emily Ingle ’25, 荣誉委员会主席(尼斯贝特荣誉).
在场的人热情地表演了万博地址的母校, 接着是安娜·帕特森的《祝福, 宗教生活委员会主席.
随着仪式的结束, the Converse 社区 proceeded to the front lawn to enjoy lunch in Johnson Plaza, 为我们校园社区一年一度的传统活动画上句号.